Saturday, December 17, 2005

Conversation with Kenneth at almost three

Introducing the Sloan Family Podcast

Sloan Family Podcast Number One, 9.9 minutes - Posted December 17, 2005
December 1, 1989: Sloan Family Podcast, A Conversation With Kenneth Sloan

To listen to audio, click here --> MP3 File Here
Conversation with Kenneth Sloan, December 01, 1989 when Kenneth was just a month short of turning three. Kenneth and I are watching TV and discussing the relative merits of things like Birds and Snakes while Jeff and Steve have a conversation of their own in the background. The conversation was caught on audio tape with a small taperecorder, and was since converted to digital audio.

Think of all that old oral family history that is locked away on old audio tapes or maybe even video tapes that people have. You can grab that audio and easily convert it to MP3 files that can be also easily shared with family members all over the world via the Internet and podcasting. And, while you are at it think about using your digital audio recorders to record and share those wonderful stories that are so much a part of the legacy of your family. I know I wish I could have recorded and shared the story of how my parents met. Now that my family is spread all over the country it would be nice to be able to share that with siblings, cousins and my own kids and grand children. Oral history is so human because it is told by the people who lived it. So, what are you waiting for? Start saving, remixing and sharing yours today.

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