Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hieros Gamos

Hieros Gamos

About the photo: This came to me then as I was walking through this cemetery with Marie Roby (then DuBois) while on a photo expedition. As I read the tombstone, the story of this couple's lives jelled down to a handful of statistics, about their child also buried there, I thought about the great depth of details all their lives must of been and what a story was buried there untold. I put a wide angle lens on the camera, put it on the ground and set the self timer and we posed behind the tombstone. It is still one of my favorite photos. It makes me think of my parents and the loved ones both here and departed from my life.

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1 comment:

Steve Sloan said...

The picture is strenthened by the fact that Marie is wearing a white blouse. It looks like a wedding dress, which fits into the whole mood of hieros gamos.