Saturday, July 30, 2005

Looking back on Seattle

Space Needle
Washington State Epilogue
Here we are in the dog days of summer. Vacation is over. On Monday we will be returning to the mountain of work that has built up during our absences.

We went to Seattle. The second of my three sons got married to a very nice woman. We have three new grand kids. We had a number of family get togethers. We got together with old friends. We explored Seattle. We saw new places. We did new things. We had fun.

It doesn't get much better than that. Now we are home. Yesterday I went for a 35 mile bike ride. Besides work, next week we have a club meeting and more bike rides. The cats are healthy and glad we're back. (Pixel is sleeping in my lap.)

Looking back in the last two weeks a lot of new memories were made that will live in the collective memories of all of us for many decades. It was a good vacation.

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