Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun Tuesday Bike Rides

Bicycle at sunset

Fun bike rides are continuing
This evening is the whine and dine ride. These rides have been going every Tuesday and are a lot of fun! So far, the weather has been our friend!

[Click here to see more ride photos]

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Family fun day Saturday

Jacob and Susie

Fun family dinner
On Saturday Jeff, Nicole, Madison and Jacob came over. I made a huge dinner with ingrediants from my new favorite grocery store, Su Vianda. It was a lot of fun just hanging out, visiting and playing with the grandkids. Jacob is growing like a weed. It was a very good day!

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Friday, April 25, 2008

At AT&T Park

Camera Phone Post: Fiday Night Ball Game
We had a Friday night ball game with folks from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at SJSU. Nicole and I went and are having a great time!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Great seeing Brian Baer!

Brian Baer with Nikon

Visit from an old friend
Brian Baer, an old friend and now political photographer for the Sacramento Bee, came to SJSU Today. Brian was here for the School of Journalism and Mass Communications media ethics symposium which focused on covering presidential candidates. It was great seeing Brian and catching up on old times. Brian graduated in 1989, two years after I started working at SJSU.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Son Jeff elected to SJSU post

Jeff's campaing speech

Jeff elected VP of Careers of SJSU chapter of Beta Alpha Psi
This is Jeff's campaign speech. According to Wikipedia, "Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary organization for accounting, finance and information systems students and professionals. Its primary objective is to encourage and recognize academic and professional excellence in the financial information field. Beta Alpha Psi promotes the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems. They also provide opportunities for personal growth, service and association between members and practicing professionals. The organization strives to encourage a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility."


Calla Lilly

An Anniversary
Today is the anniversary of the most tragic day in the lives of my family and I. Seventeen years ago a car accident took the life of my sons' mother, my first wife. I made a movie about that, that is not what this post is about.

Before I could be there for my three sons after the accident I had to have my own feet on the ground. Many people share credit for helping us repair and to go on with our lives, but in my opinion the most credit goes to my current wonderful wife Sue. Susie and I have been together more than 15 years now. She took on our wounded family and became a wife/step-mom/mom to all of us whom were dealing with so much pain, anger and long-term grief. It was not an easy task.

The boys and I all share many memories of the life we lived on and before that tragic day. Sue has always understood and respected that. The pain of death, especially untimely and tragic death, never goes away. It is there as a constant. Sue has been there for us and has become a much loved part of our family. She became a parent to the boys. Sometimes she was not given the appreciation she has been due for what she did. But, she never quit. We are very lucky, some would have quit. Not Sue.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Academic Technology Expo Fun

Xiuyu Situ does registration, hands out guides and raffle tickets for the April 17 event.

Academic Technology Expo 2008
Yesterday's Academic Technology Expo held in the Academic Success Center in Clark Hall was pretty festive. Besides showing off tech toys and new techniques we got to spend quality relaxed time with our customers. It was fun.

[More Photos Here on Flickr]

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great PJ Photographer Coming to SJSU

Brian Baer coming to my class
Next week we are going to have a very special guest speaker in my Wednesday night class. Brian Baer, the political photographer from The Sacramento Bee, will be speaking to the class. Brian is a hot photographer who covers the California Political scene. In my opinion, he has one of the keenest eyes as a photographer I know of.

He is a friend and a great guy. He is an alum of our photojournalism program. He passionate about politics, photography and photojournalism. This should be a real treat! You are invited to bring friends, especially recommended for folks interested in politics and photojournalism.

An added bonus is the inside view Brian has of California politics. This should be a great session!

I ran into Brian Baer when I was shooting the CA democratic convention on March 28-30. It was the first time I had seen Brian for over ten years and we immediately caught up on old times. Feel free to spread the word. It is a large room!

The event is at 6pm on Wednesday, April 23 in DBH226 at San Jose State.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New and old memories

Jeff on a hill

Warm days with my son
Last weekend Jeff and I had a great time hanging out and chasing trains. This is the most time we have spent together in many years. We had a great time. We shared many memories while building new ones.

[More photos on Flickr]

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Boys

UP train at Walong

Big Boys
"Big Boy" is what Sue said when she saw this picture of a Union Pacific train at Tehachapi. The term was apt, I told her, because "Big Boy" was the term given by the Union Pacific to the largest steam engines ever built. It also is apt because this last weekend my middle son Jeff and I were like boys chasing trains over the Union Pacific's former Southern Pacific Tehachapi mountain pass. We had perfect weather and tons of trains. The grades on these hills are brutal and these modern Big Boys were working like demons pulling a heavy train around Tehachapi Loop. Jeff and I had a great time and we saw many, many trains!

[Click here to see more photos on Flickr]

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Shooting trains in the desert

It is a lovely day in the Mojave desert. We are seeing lots of train action.

Cameras setup next to tracks

We are next to the tracks a little north of Mojave, CA. We are waiting for for an Eastbound to come by.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

UP power at Mojave

It was busy before but it has quieted down at Mojave. Jeff and I slept great at the Motel near the tracks.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Going train chasing

I am going train chasing with my middle son, Jeff.

You can follow our progress on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Passenger Train Through Town

UP passenger special passes Agnew depot

An elegant conveyance
This evening I photographed a Union Pacific passenger special as it passed the historic former South Pacific Coast narrow gauge railroad depot in Agnew, now part of Santa Clara, California. This depot is also the home of the California Central Model Railroad club that is so much fun and that Kenneth and I belong to.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Holy Frak, Battlestar's back!

Battelstar Galactica

Season four starts tonight!
One of the best sci-fi shows ever starts season four tonight. If you have not been keeping up, this video should help.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Modesto Train Chasing Day

M&ET Train in Modesto

On chasing trains
Last Monday I took a holiday and went train chasing in Modesto. It was a lot of fun. I had not been in this area and several things had changed. First off, where have all the Dairy Queens gone? Is it a long time passing? They seem to have gone to Taquerias every one. I know bad pun.

[More Photos on Flickr]

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