Thursday, June 09, 2005

Thursday bits

Family members on whine and dine ride
Kathy, Nicole and Jeff on ride
Yesterday evening my son Jeff rode with his wife Nicole and her mother Kathy. I believe this was their first ACTC bicycle club ride. They did a flatter version of the whine and dine ride. Then, they went out to eat with the group after the ride. It was great having them on the ride and introducing them to friends.

Somebody stole my battery!
Day before last I went to my motor scooter after work to ride it home. It wouldn't start. I checked out the bike and found its cowlings loose. I opened them up and found the battery missing. Thank God for kick starting. I was able to start the bike and ride it home.

Clean teeth, new glasses
This week I went to the dentist and the eye doctor. I am smiling better and soon will be seeing better as well.

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